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225 lines
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Welcome to MYSTAT! MYSTAT is a personal version of
SYSTAT containing extensive data handling, statistical, and graphical
capabilities (see Introduction to SYSTAT under the Goodies menu for
details about SYSTAT). MYSTAT requires 1 megabyte of memory and
either a hard disk drive or two 800K floppy disk drives. It can handle up
to 50 variables and as many cases as you can fit onto your disk.
Following is a simple tutorial. It will show you the basics of
entering and analyzing data in MYSTAT. A complete description with
illustrations is given in the accompanying documentation.
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MYSTAT Windows
MYSTAT uses four different windows:
• The Editor window
• The Text window (titled "Business MYSTAT")
• The View window
• The Macro command window
All of the windows are resizable.
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The Editor window displays your data in a worksheet format. You can
type and edit data in this window and cut, copy, and paste data to
and from this window.
MYSTAT uses the Text window to display statistical results. The
Text window is a complete mini-text editor. You can cut, copy, and
paste any text into this window, type anywhere in the window,
change fonts, and save or print. You can even copy your analysis
results from the Text window and paste them into the Data Editor to
analyze your analysis!
MYSTAT displays most graphs in the View window. ACF, PACF,
and Stem-and-leaf diagrams are shown in the Text window.
The Macro command window allows you to enter commands by
typing them in (normally you will use dialog boxes). This window
will not be open unless you select the "Open command window"
option under the Goodies menu. You can use macro commands at any
time. Macros are convenient for long-running analyses, and for
automating long or repetitious tasks.
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Entering Data
Enter data into the "MYSTAT Data Editor" in a rectangular format,
variable names in the top row with the cases underneath. Variable
names begin with a letter, contain letters or numbers and are up to 8
characters long. End character variable names with a $. To name your
first variable CITY$, just type:
CITY$ [return]
in the active cell (the cell with the cursor in it). The cursor will jump one
cell to the right, ready for you to enter another variable name. Enter
these variable names in the same way:
STATE$ [return] POP [return] RAINFALL [return]
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Once you have typed in your variable names, you can enter
data. Put the pointer in the first blank cell under CITY$ and click the
mouse button. Enter the first data point, New York, and hit [return]:
New York [return]
MYSTAT accepts the value and moves the cursor one cell to the right. If
you select "Enter down" from the Formats option under the Editor menu,
the cursor will move down when you hit [return]. You could also cause
the cursor to move down by using the down arrow key.
Character values can be up to 12 characters long and are case
sensitive. Numeric values can be up to 10E+35 in absolute magnitude.
Enter a period (.) for missing numeric values and a blank space ( ) for
missing character values. Now enter these values:
NY [return] 7164742 [return] 57 [return] Los Angeles [return]
CA [return] 3096721 [return] (etc.)
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Editing and Transforming Data
In the data editor, you can edit either individual cells or whole
groups of data. To edit a specific cell, select the cell by placing the
pointer over that cell and clicking the mouse button. Alternatively, you
can move to a specific cell with the cursor (arrow) keys. Once you have
selected the cell, type in the new value.
You can select a range of cells by holding down the mouse
button while you drag the mouse over that range. You can also click on
a cell in one corner of the range, move to the cell in the opposite corner
of the range, and then press the mouse button while holding down the
[shift] key. The data editor allows you to cut and copy any cell(s) you
have selected. You can also paste data from the clipboard into the
@ 16 8
The Math and Recode options under the Goodies menu allow
you to do transformations and create new variables. The Find option
will find a specified value in the current worksheet. The dialog boxes for
these options are similar. To create a new variable, type its name into
the "Variable" box. To transform or find a value for an existing variable,
select it from the "Variables" list. Then give the transformation
specification or search condition in the expression box and click OK.
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Saving Data
To save the data currently in the worksheet into a MYSTAT data
file, select the "Save as" option from the File menu. MYSTAT will ask
you to give the file a name. In the future, you can click on the data file's
icon to enter MYSTAT. Also, if you select the "Save" option, MYSTAT
will save the data into the current file name.
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MYSTAT includes a wide variety of statistical procedures such
as basic descriptive statistics, frequency and multi-way tables, t-tests,
Pearson correlation coefficients, regression analysis, analysis of
variance, and analysis of covariance.
The options under the Analyze menu provide these statistics. The
results of statistical analyses appear in the text output window.
The dialog boxes under this menu are similar to one another.
Select the variables for analysis from the Variables list and then select
from the various options provided for that analysis. For example, to
obtain descriptive statistics for the variable RAINFALL from the data set
you created above, select the Stats option from the Analyze menu. In
the Stats dialog box, select the variable RAINFALL from the Variables
list. Then click OK. The results of your analysis will scroll up in the
text output window.
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MYSTAT also includes a wide variety of graphical procedures
such as scatter plots, box plots, histograms, time series plots, stem-and-
leaf plots, and numerous variations of these. The options for graphs are
under the Graph menu. The plots appear in the View window.
When you select one of these analyses, MYSTAT presents you
with a dialog box that lists the variables in the open file and shows you
the options available for that analysis. For example, to draw a
scatterplot of the variables POP and RAINFALL, select the Plot option
from the Graph menu. Next select POP from the Y variables list, and
RAINFALL from the X variables list. When you have done this, click OK.
MYSTAT will plot the graph in the view window.
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MYSTAT has a variety of methods for transforming, displaying, and
forecasting time series data. Look in the Forecast menu.
• Transformations. MYSTAT lets you perform a variety of series
transformations automatically using the Transform item of the
Forecast menu. You can log, square, demean, detrend, difference,
replace values by their ratio to some base, and replace values by
their percentage difference from a previous value.
• Smoothing. You can use MYSTAT to do running smooths, to remove
additive or seasonal effects from a series according to a given
periodicity, and to do exponential smoothing.
• Case, ACF, and PACF plots. MYSTAT can plot time series plots
(and, optionally, standardize values before plotting), autocorrelation
plots, and partial autocorrelation plots.
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MYSTAT on Campus
SYSTAT makes MYSTAT available for instructional use. MYSTAT is
available for Apple Macintosh and PC/MS-DOS personal computers,
and for the VAX/VMS line of minicomputers. MYSTAT is available
directly from SYSTAT at nominal cost, and MYSTAT also comes
bundled with a number of widely used textbooks. Please call or write
SYSTAT for more information about MYSTAT on Campus.
MYSTAT on Campus
1800 Sherman Avenue
Evanston, Illinois 60201
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NOTE: Customizing the Intro File
This introduction to MYSTAT is contained in the file
MYSTAT.TXT. MYSTAT.TXT is a text file and is editable in most
word processors. Therefore, you can customize the text that MYSTAT
displays when you select the Intro option. This means you can leave
helpful notes for yourself or, if you are teaching a class, you can put
lesson and homework instructions in this file.
To do this, open MYSTAT.TXT in a word processor and either
add to or replace MYSTAT's text with your own. Do not, however,
remove the page break markers or alter the format of the text. Save the
file as a text only file.
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The text is broken up into pages. You'll see page break markers
throughout MYSTAT.TXT. The page break markers look like this:
@ ## ##
The first number shows the number of lines to the previous page break.
The second number shows the number of lines to the next page break.
MYSTAT uses these numbers to center the text in the middle of the
"Introduction" window. Here's an example:
@ 5 4
For Monday's class, please enter the Longley data and run the
examples in the textbook on pages 122-123. Have your results
ready to turn in.
@ 4 2
Have a good weekend!
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Be careful to count all lines, even blank lines. And be sure to save
the file as text ("text-only with line breaks" in MS Word).
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1800 Sherman Avenue
Evanston, Illinois 60201
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